For a second year now Ken Lawrence has been invited by White Fields Overseas Evangelism to preach at revivals and teach leadership skills to church leaders in southern India. Ken will be traveling to India the last two weeks of January 2013.
In January of 2012 Ken participated in two weeks of revivals in the same region. During those revivals 2088 people accepted Christ as their Savior and were baptized. The harvest truly is plentiful. For more information on the 2012 trip visit the India 2012 page.
In order for Ken to make this trip we need the financial support of our brothers and sisters in Christ. This year we have a challenging goal to reach. We need to raise $11,300 to accomplish all we want to accomplish.
The bear minimum expenses to make the trip will be $3,500. This covers the travel expenses (airfare, hotel, local travel, meals, etc.) and will allow Ken to make the trip and preach two revivals a day plus two Sunday morning services.
There is a real need for leadership training in India. Ken has an opportunity to become a certified John C. Maxwell coach through the John Maxwell Team Coaching Certification program. This is a “train the trainer” program that will equip Ken to teach the John C. Maxwell leadership training to others. Ken would like to teach these skills to the church leaders in southern India to equip them to raise up leaders from within their own people. Ken’s training program needs to start right away so he will be completed in time for the trip. The cost of this training is $4800.
Not only will this training help Ken train leaders in India, but it will also be used in his ministry here in the US. Part of the training includes YouthMAX training. Bullying, failure, low self-image, and poor character decisions are at the heart of many of the challenges facing young people today. John Maxwell and the John Maxwell Team have decided to do something about it! YouthMAX gives John Maxwell Team members an opportunity to serve youth and youth organizations in their communities by helping youth grow and develop to meet the challenges of life in today’s changing world.
The investment in the John C. Maxwell Team certified coaching program will pay dividends here in the US and in India for years to come.
Finally, Ken’s wife, Chris, would like to accompany Ken on the 2013 trip. In 2012 Ken’s daughter Heather went with him and it was a life changing experience for her. This year Chris will take Heather’s role of team photographer and videographer to document the trip. She will also teach lessons for the Indian women and children in the villages and in the orphanages. The cost for Chris to attend the trip is $3,000.
Cost Summary:
Ken’s travel: $3,500
Ken’s training: $4,800
Chris’ travel: $3,000
Total trip cost: $11,300
This is a God-sized goal and we are trusting in Him to provide as He wills. Please pray for the people of India that will be reached by these revivals, the White Fields team of evangelists, and for the Ken & Chris Lawrence as they prepare for their time of service in India.
If you would like to be a conduit through whom the Lord provides the needed fund, you can donate on-line via credit card or PayPal by clicking the Donate button below. If you would like to donate via check please send your donation, made payable to Families For Christ Ministries to:
Families For Christ Ministries
PO Box 100 – Norwood, CO 81423
Please designate your gift to India 2013
Thank you for your support and being part of the team to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost in southern India.